East Orange addiction aftercare programs are essential for individuals who have gone through an addiction treatment program. These people have taken an important step in recovering from addiction; however, after completing the program, the work of recovery continues. Aftercare is a facet of addiction treatment that serves to anticipate the problems of returning to normal activities. East Orange relapse prevention programs include a number of different programs and therapies that help patients prepare for the stress and temptations of returning to their life.
Aftercare anticipates the occurrence of substance cravings that are an inevitable part of recovery. A number of programs and strategies are used to prepare patients for these incidents, which can cause them to relapse back into substance abuse. Patients are trained to understand the signs of an impending relapse and are provided with the tools, both internal and external, to help sustain them through these moments. They also provide practical help in restructuring life after addiction treatment.
Treatment is an invaluable aid in overcoming addiction. However, the real work begins when the individual leaves the treatment facility and takes on their normal duties and responsibilities in life. It is here that the tensions and frustrations of rebuilding trust and stability can undermine treatment efforts. Aftercare provides the support in the transition period when patients may be highly susceptible to cravings and relapse.
East Orange recovery programs are designed to provide continuing care for addiction. In some cases, aftercare may begin after the person leaves treatment. In other cases, it is an integral part of treatment that extends to the transition period after the individual has completed the program. The goal is to provide practical tools to manage cravings, prevent relapse and facilitate the return to normal activities.
Alcoholics Anonymous (http://www.nnjaa.org/) and Narcotics Anonymous (www.nanj.org) can help addicts maintain sobriety by sharing stories with like-minded people. Don't wait. Drug rehab centers in East Orange can help you get back on your feet. Call today!