Crack cocaine is a another form of the drug cocaine. Cocaine comes from coca plant leaves, and was originally used by indigenous tribes by chewing the leaves to produce a mild yet stimulating feeling. Cocaine is most commonly found in the form of fie white powder, however crack cocaine is a smokeable form of cocaine which is formed into small rocks by manipulating cocaine with baking soda or ammonia and water. The drug gets it's name "crack cocaine" from the crackling sound it makes when the drug is heated to smoke it. Although crack cocaine and cocaine have the same pharmacological drug profile, crack cocaine imposes a higher risk than cocaine. Being as though crack cocaine is typically smoked, the drug reaches the brain more rapidly, ultimately causing compulsive use of the drug to develop more rapidly than if it were snorted. Crack cocaine causes its user to experience a short-lived high which produces an intense euphoria. The intense euphoric effects that users experience will typically cause them to constantly chase that high, ultimately leading to a full blown dependence or addiction to the drug. Crack cocaine is a highly addictive drug which can cause a very powerful addiction that can be hard to overcome on your own, if you or your loved one are suffering from crack abuse or addiction, seek help now! Don't overlook the signs of crack abuse.
If you are led to believe that your loved one may be suffering from crack abuse and may be exhibiting crack addict behavior, there are multiple signs you can observe for. Due to crack being a highly addictive drug, it's almost impossible for an individual who recreationally uses crack to not become addicted to the drug. Symptoms and signs of crack abuse can be both physical and psychological. Some signs of crack abuse include but are not limited to:
There are a myriad of symptoms which can be exhibited, however just because your loved one doesn't show all of these symptoms does not mean they aren't abusing or addicted to crack. If your gut and/or intuition leads you to believe that your loved one may be suffering from crack abuse or addiction, encourage them to seek help today. Enrolling in a drug rehab program fro crack addiction treatment could help save your loved one's life from the long term detriments of crack cocaine abuse.
Get Started With Crack Addiction Treatment Today
If you or your loved one are suffering from crack abuse or addiction, today is the day to get started with recovering your life from crack cocaine. Seek crack addiction treatment. Find you or your loved one an effective treatment plan which has been individualized to meet the needs for a successful recovery. You can be assured that your crack cocaine addiction will be a thing of the past, and that you will successfully overcome your addiction. You need to find treatment, support and skills you need for a lifelong recovery. Call Drug Rehab Centers East Orange today at (877) 804-1531 to speak to a knowledgeable representatives about treatment options and facilities best suited for your needs.